    Documentation | MentDB Weak Server
Show all commits for a specific group

  • Right click on the 'admin' group and select 'Show commits'
  • version show_commits "admin" ".*.*" 100;
          admin - message
          version show_scriptnames admin 20230804115635_Vr5Bgo_UeiGbJ_CMT;
          version show_scripts admin 20230804115635_Vr5Bgo_UeiGbJ_CMT;
          admin - first commit
          version show_scriptnames admin 20230804114436_WlueVW_lbEH4q_CMT;
          version show_scripts admin 20230804114436_WlueVW_lbEH4q_CMT;
  • Select 'version show_scripts admin 20230804115635_Vr5Bgo_UeiGbJ_CMT;', right click and select 'Eval MQL...'
  • You get all scripts in the commit:
  • script merge "app.100.template.new_organization.actions.demo.test.exe" false 1 
    	include "app.100.obj.sajax.alert.exe"
    		"[type]" "ALERT_SUCCESS"
    		"[strong]" "OK !"
    		"[msg]" "Super
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    script set delay "app.100.template.new_organization.actions.demo.test.exe" 0 day {1};
    script merge "" false 1 
      "Start point for the template" 
    	#Main actions;
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    		#Disconnect the user;
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    			json iobject "app" / connected "0" STR;
    			json iobject "app" / disconnected "1" STR;
    		#Menu toggle;
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    		include (concat "app." [app_version] ".template." [app_template] ".page." [app_page] ".exe");
    	} {
    		#try to connect if the user is send;
    		if (is not null (json select "app" "/param/x-user")) {
    			try {
    				sql connect "session1" {cm get (json select "app" "/database")};
    				if (or (> (sql value "session1" (concat "select count(*) from `user_group` where group_id<=2 and `login`=" (sql encode (json select "app" "/param/x-user")))) 0)
    					(> (sql value "session1" (concat "select count(*) from `app_user` where app_id=" (sql encode (json select "app" "/context")) " and `login`=" (sql encode (json select "app" "/param/x-user")))) 0)) {
    					if (> (sql value "session1" (concat "select count(*) from `users` where activate='Y' and `login`=" (sql encode (json select "app" "/param/x-user")) " and `password`=" (sql encode (string md5 (json select "app" "/param/x-password"))))) 0) {
    						json iobject "app" / groups (sql col_distinct "session1" (concat "select distinct tag 
    							from user_group inner join group_tag on user_group.group_id=group_tag.group_id
    							where login=" (sql encode (json select "app" "/param/x-user")));) OBJ;
    						json iobject "app" / connected "1" STR;
    						json iobject "app" / "user" (json select "app" "/param/x-user") STR;
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    					include (concat "app." [app_version] ".template." [app_template] ".page.login.exe") "[err]" "No rights on this application.";
    				sql disconnect "session1";
    			} {
    				include (concat "app." [app_version] ".template." [app_template] ".page.login.exe") "[err]" [err];
    				try {sql disconnect "session1";} {} "[sub_err]";
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