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Export scripts to reload into another MentDB Server

  • Right click on 'exe' and choose 'Other(s)/Export...'
  • -> "[mql]" "";
    json load "list" (script show);
    json parse_obj "list" "/" "[scriptname]" "[val]" {
    	if (string starts_with [scriptname] "math.") {
    		concat_var "[mql]" [_n_] [_n_] (script generate create [scriptname]);
    in editor {[mql]};
  • Change 'script generate create' by 'script generate update' or 'script generate merge'
  • Merge=Update if exists, else insert
  • Change the starts_with by 'math.' (select all script that starts by 'math.') and Execute buttons
  • script create post "math.subition" false 1 
      	(var "[v1]" {true} "The number 1" is_null:true is_empty:true "10")
      	(var "[v2]" {type is_double [v2]} "The number 2" is_null:true is_empty:true "20")
      "Make an addition ..." 
    	#Your MQL source code here...;
    	+ [v1] [v2];
    } "Return the result of the addition";
    script create exe "math.addition" false 1 
      	(var "[v1]" {true} "The number 1" is_null:true is_empty:true "10")
      	(var "[v2]" {type is_double [v2]} "The number 2" is_null:true is_empty:true "20")
      "Make an addition ..." 
    	#Your MQL source code here...;
    	+ [v1] [v2];
    } "Return the result of the addition";
    script create post "math.addition" false 1 
      	(var "[v1]" {true} "The number 1" is_null:true is_empty:true "10")
      	(var "[v2]" {type is_double [v2]} "The number 2" is_null:true is_empty:true "20")
      "Make an addition ..." 
    	#Your MQL source code here...;
    	+ [v1] [v2];
    } "Return the result of the addition";
    script create exe "math.subition" false 1 
      	(var "[v1]" {true} "The number 1" is_null:true is_empty:true "10")
      	(var "[v2]" {type is_double [v2]} "The number 2" is_null:true is_empty:true "20")
      "Make an addition ..." 
    	#Your MQL source code here...;
    	+ [v1] [v2];
    } "Return the result of the addition";
  • Your can copy and paste the MQL generated like you want... in another MentDB Server ?
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