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Generate MQL to EXPORT a table into multiple format (csv/xml/json...)

  • To generate MQL to EXPORT a table into multiple format (csv/xml/json...):
  • Right click on the table 'apps' and select 'GEN HANDLE > EXPORT FILE'
  • script create exe "MENTDB.apps.export" false 1
      	(var "[directory]" {true} "The directory" is_null:false is_empty:false "/Users/jimmitry/Desktop")
      	(var "[filename]" {true} "The file name" is_null:false is_empty:false "test")
    	(var "[format]" {type is_enum [format] "json,xml,csv,excel,excelx,html,pdf"} "the format (json|xml|csv|excel|excelx|html|pdf)" is_null:false is_empty:false "json")
      "Export the table 'apps'."
    	try {
    		#Connection ...;
    		sql connect "session1" {cm get "MENTDB"};
    		-> "[query]" (concat "SELECT  
    			 FROM public.apps
    			 LIMIT 0, 100;");
    		switch ([format])
    			("json") {
    				file create (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".json") (sql to json "session1" "products" (concat [query]));
    			("xml") {
    				file create (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".xml") (sql to xml "session1" "products" (concat [query]));
    			("csv") {
    				file create (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".csv") (sql to csv "session1" "products" (concat [query]) "," "'");
    			("excel") {
    				sql to excel "session1" "products" (concat [query]) (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".xls");
    			("excelx") {
    				sql to excelx "session1" "products" (concat [query]) (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".xlsx");
    			("html") {
    				file create (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".html") (sql to html "session1" "products" (concat [query]));
    			("pdf") {
    				sql to pdf "session1" "products" (concat [query]) (concat [directory] "/" [filename] ".pdf");
    			{exception (1) ("Sorry, the export format must be 'json|xml|csv|excel|excelx|html|pdf'.");}
    		#Disconnection ...;
    		sql disconnect "session1";
    	} {
    		#Close the connection;
    		try {sql disconnect "session1"} {} "[sub_err]";
    		#Generate an error;
    		exception (1) ([err]);
    	} "[err]";
    } "Return nothing";
  • Update the script and save:
  • Execute buttons
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